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Posts Tagged ‘netflix

Netflix Is Killing My Education!

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ImageOk everyone, here’s my small dilemma; I have this crazy addiction to Netflix. And I already know what you’re going to say about the matter. “You can control how much you watch my just not watching television at all!” And that statement in itself while fundamentally true, realistically is complete garbage of a statement in logic. There are simply too many shows and movies to watch, that are completely commercial free! Yes they are commercial free and I love every minute of it!

Are you anything like me in that nature? Because I have a slightly addictive personality. That meaning, once something interests me, I become extremely determined to invest mast amounts of time and effort into it. That can be a good thing if it’s something like prepare for a test two weeks away. Or finish homework once it’s assigned instead of waiting until the last minute to do it. I am in college so my time is very important to me. Primarily because I have so much time on my hands. Which I love! Anyways, back to the important things. I have an addiction to Netflix! Not some small thing either. I have to watch it like everyday. But I wont flip through it until I find something interesting to watch. Oh no, I have a show that I watch daily. It’s called Weeds, and shut up. Yes I realize that I am way behind and blah blah blah. Hush up and listen to me rant on about how this is detrimental to my education. The time I could be spending on school and other GOOD activities, instead I am contemplating what will happen in the next episode and so on. Kind of a crappy way of doing business wouldn’t you think? Are my priorities really that low that I must bash away on my keyboard like a lunatic trying to vent my anger to the world in order to feel some resemblance of normality? That YOU have all of the answers I am looking for? Ok I am obviously crazy.

Anyways, Netflix, although good in it’s product, bad for the college kid. Or anyone trying to make it in life.

Written by wynnfred14

October 9, 2012 at 4:49 pm